Vilcabamba, located in the province of Loja in southern Ecuador, is definitely a paradise to discover



Some options to do in the Vilcabamba Valley – Ecuador


Vilcabamba is very well known as “the valley of longevity”; but it is also a place where people from all over the world come together and where people do so in search of well-being, a healthy lifestyle, lots of nature and the outdoors. 

Explore some options to live and vibrate in the style of Vilcabamba.


Vilcabamba, a natural paradise in the south of Ecuador

The tourist offer of Vilcabamba includes several natural scenic attractions that you can enjoy when doing walks on the trails (some along the rivers, others in the middle of the mountains), horseback riding and excursions that can take you to see waterfalls, lake systems, cloud forest and even the high paramo.

Natural environment of the Vilcabamba trails

Vilcabamba trails. Where will they take you today?

El Palto waterfall in the surroundings of Vilcabamba
alticola amazilia. Loja Hummingbird

Birds of Vilcabamba

Now is the Time to Visit and Explore the Sacred Valley of Vilcabamba


Get to know the hotel, gastronomic, productive, and service offer of the region of the valley of eternal youth in Ecuador