With different activities scheduled for the days before and during the holiday of the Dead, a group of women from the Worthy Original Kichwa People in Resistance of Sarayaku, make a visit to the Sacred Valley of Vilcabamba from October 30 to December 6.

Presentation of documentary film with themes of great importance such as the history of the Sarayaku People's struggle to defend and protect their territory, as well as their Kawsak Sacha proposal for their living spaces; These are the two topics that will precede a discussion space with those attending Randichina Wasi (Hulcopamba street, next to DISENSA) on Thursday, November 3 at 4:00 p.m. 

Invitation to participate in events with visiting Sarayaku women in Vilcabamba

SARAYAKU WARMIKUNA VILCABAMBA LLACTAY (Visit of the women of Sarayaku to Vilcabamba) will also have other components such as the preparation of traditional maitos of various types (fish, chicken and even a vegetarian version) that will be available on Friday, Saturday and Sunday of the holiday of Deceased.

A meeting of WAYUSA UPINA, a traditional space for conversation, gratitude and understanding, will take place at dawn on Sunday, November 6.

Utilitarian crafts and accessories as well as samples of materials from the jungle and some medicinal plants complete the visit of the women defenders of the jungle.

If you want to know more about the culture of these Amazonian Kichwa women, attend one of the meetings, talk with them, support their ventures (a clear example of economic alternatives in territories threatened by extractive industries) and enjoy sharing.

Learn more about Sarayaku on its official website sarayaku.org


After a trip of several hours on the Bobonaza, women from Sarayaku visit Vilcabamba
Sarayaku women's utility items in Vilcabamba

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