
The Wellness Fest returns in its second edition on January 27, 28 and 29, 2023, at the Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Loja (Vilcabamba headquarters)

The Vilcabamba Wellness Fest a celebration of unity


meeting between peoples

The Vilcabamba Wellness Fest is projected as the benchmark wellness event in Ecuador and undoubtedly the most important that takes place in the Sacred Valley of Vilcabamba (in the south of Ecuador). 

There is a prophecy that when the eagle and the condor fly together, the time will come for peace to rain on earth forever.

Dozens of local, regional, national and international artists prepare their arts for this meeting that through different forms of cultural expression, as well as other spaces for talks, workshops and conversations, aim to bring traditional knowledge of health and well-being closer to new trends. western holistic health

Similarly, during the three days of the Wellness Festival, dozens of exhibitors framed in fair trade, social economy, health, agroecology and other ventures of different products and services will have a space for exhibition and sale. 

While in 2021 the main theme was "our right to health alternatives in times of pandemic"; the central theme of 2023 will be "Healthy territories as a fundamental axis for the well-being of the peoples"

Rebecca Tozzer is part of the group that organizes this edition of the Wellness Fest 2023 and mentions that "for this reason and considering the experience of the original peoples of Ecuador in protecting healthy living spaces and the threat situation that these peoples suffer in general At present, due to the advance of extractive industries (mainly) in their living spaces, the 2023 edition of the Wellness Fest will also receive more than 100 representatives of the different peoples and nationalities of Ecuador”.

Talks, workshops, and conversations at the Vilcabamba Wellness Fest 2023

It should be remembered that the issue of the importance of caring for a healthy territory is fundamental at this time in Vilcabamba and its surroundings, since in these times the entire population that inhabits the sacred valley and our way of life as we know it is also threatened by the alleged opening of 4 open-pit mining mega-concessions (more or less 4,000 hectares each) in the surrounding area.

The educational goals of the Wellness Fest 2023 include: Cosmovision of Life in Harmony with Nature, Ancestral and Traditional Medicine, and Management and Care of Healthy Territories.

For Rai Dayal, from the organizing team, these goals will be achieved through "multicultural exchange on alternative medicines, organic agriculture and environmental practices (reforestation and water resources management practices) and sovereignty over our personal health."

The Elders will share their wisdom and experience with plants and natural remedies, the philosophy and practice of caring for the Kawsak Sacha (Living Forest) and the nature of our relationship with the Earth.

 We generate community coherence with the cooperation of all for the well-being of all and the principle of Sumak Kawsay that translates as prosper or good living. 

Fausto Valero, from the organizing team, stated that "a meeting of all the participating peoples and nationalities is being organized, the day before the start of the Festival (that is, January 26) where they seek to share experiences in protecting territories and how to keeping them healthy is closely related to the well-being of the people.

If you want to know the participation options for the Vilcabamba Wellness Fest 2023 as an artist, therapist, vendor or exhibitor of talks, workshops or conversations, or you want to buy tickets (with the lowest possible price until January 1) please visit the site official www.wellnessfestecuador.org

Logo of the Vilcabamba Wellness Fest 2023

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